People with Night Eating Disorder often believe that if they don’t eat, they won’t be able to sleep. Here are some early warning signs and how to deal with cravings . Several times waking up in the middle of the night to eat, being unable to sleep, and subsequently feeling sadness and guilt due to unhealthy obsessive eating could be symptoms of a disease. Because of certain possible underlying causes, such as despair and anxiety, people with Night Eating Disorder (NED) sometimes believe they won’t be able to sleep until they eat. ALSO READ : 8 FOODS FOR HEALTHY SKIN

It is frequently accompanied by insomnia or a disrupted sleep cycle, and those who suffer from it may feel awake at night. Night Eating Disorder affects nearly one in every 100 people, putting them at risk for obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and other chronic illnesses. People with NED may find it challenging to reduce weight. Obesity makes a person vulnerable to a variety of comorbidities that come with being overweight. Because it also involves a disrupted sleep cycle, exhaustion, mood changes, and tension are common side effects. ALSO READ : HOW IS PAPAYA GOOD FOR YOUR HEALTH AND SKIN

Night Eating Disorder: What Causes It?

While the cause of this illness is unknown, being overweight or obese, having a family history of depression, or eating a very low-calorie diet throughout the day can all raise your chances of developing it. It may have genetic ties, and being overweight/obese increases your chances of getting it. NED is also seen in people with other eating disorders, such as Binge Eating Disorder, as well as those who are addicted to substances or have a history of depression. It has also been noticed in some people who adhere to a rigorous low-calorie diet during the day.

Symptoms of Night Eating Disorder in their Early Stages

* Eating something at least twice a week when you get up.

* Constant hunger cravings in the hours between dinner and bedtime

* Consistent insomnia

* In the morning, you have a reduced or non-existent hunger.

Controlling cravings

Controlling NED may take a lot of work and professional assistance, and stress management may help people sleep better and have fewer nighttime hunger pangs. At night, strict self-monitoring of behaviour and food desires is required. For some people, going for a stroll shortly before bed can help them avoid late-night cravings. For individuals on a low-calorie diet, eating a well-balanced dinner that has been prepared ahead of time will help lessen hunger symptoms. Using stress-relieving techniques such as yoga and meditation

Additionally, if the temptation hits, some healthy foods should be considered to avoid weight gain due to unhealthy eating. “Some dietary options to consider at night include fruits, roasted chickpeas, foxnuts, nuts and seeds mix, cucumber sticks, air-popped popcorn, sprouts, fruit yoghurt, boiled egg, and milk.”


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