Run Slow To Run Faster, Why?

running faster

When athletes talk running, we usually talk about how fast we can do it. If you’re someone who runs races regularly, odds are you have your PR memorized and are constantly working to overcome it.

Training programs call for a combo of pace runs and longer, slower runs to prep for distance races, from 5Ks up to marathons. And while it might be tempting to add some urgency to every run you go on if you want to shave seconds or minutes off your finish time, you need to run slowly.

“Running Is about Consistency Fall in love with the process and the results will come.”

How Starting Slow Help?

If you are someone who enjoys running and enjoy taking part in marathons, possibilities are that you are constantly looking for methods to increase your sprinting speed. While practice, you are trying hard to beat your record to function better than others on the field. To approach the finish line in less amount of time might be your only destination.

Surprisingly, this method might not help you move faster. Yes, you read it right. If you want to save some seconds off your finish timing then the first master to run slow.

When running over a lengthy distance, some people easily get tired and fail to even get to the finish line. The idea being they begin fast and their energy is emptied before they could even reach the finish line. The trick is to prepare your body to last in the field for a more extended time. The more time you consume on the field running, during your practice session, it will be easier for your body to get accustomed to it and will endure the activity.

Running is an aerobic exercise, in which oxygen is utilised to burn fat and produce energy. Only when you are moving slowly, all the fat stored in your body will be employed in the form of heat. The slower you go, the greater will be the percentage of fat used as fuel. This trick will help when training for an endurance race.

“Tough runbenes don’t last; tough runners do.”

 Benefits Of Going Slowly

Now that we understand why running slow is important, most people will be interested to understand how slow they should go. Well, slow means you should not feel tired while running. Your heart rate should be sound and you must be able to talk properly while running.
The pros of running at a conversational pace, according to RRCA, include:
●Strengthens tissues in legs, body, and arms
●Adapts tendons, ligaments, joints, and bones to emphasise of running
●Promotes effective functioning form
●Teaches endurance, discipline and how to manage physical discomfort
●Trains the cardio, respiratory and powerful systems to work more efficiently
●Increases the quantity and size of mitochondria, improving oxygen use and glycogen stores
No matter how crazy your life is and how much you have to modify a training schedule, make time to do those long runs, and to do them slowly. Skimping on that foundational part of running because you want to do what seems quicker will just slow you down in the end.

“Run the first two-thirds of the race with your head and the last third with your heart.”

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