Depression Symptoms & Signs

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Depression is very treatable, with medication, talk therapy, or a combination of the two, playing a contributory role in reducing the following depressive symptoms.

Following are the symptoms of Depression


Depressed mood is constant with both major depression and persistent depressive dysfunction. In extreme depression, an individual feel discouraged most of the day, nearly every day, as indicated by either subjective report or observations made by others. Children or adolescents may appear more irritable than sad.

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Portrait of stressed black man

A person with a discouraged mood may report feeling “sad” or “empty,” or may cry often. Having a low mood is one of the two core signs which is used to diagnose depression.

People with persistent depressive disorder experience a depressed mood more days than not for at least two years. Children may appear more irritable than depressed and they must experience it more days than not for at least one year. It may be chronic and less severe than a full-blown major depression, but could also represent symptoms of a major depression that have persisted for more than two years.

Difficulty Concentrating

Both major depressive disorder and resolute depressive disorder involve struggle concentrating and making decisions. Persons with depression may realise this in themselves or others around them may notice that they’re struggling to think clearly.

Decreased Interest or Pleasure The second core indication of major depressive dysfunction is a reduced interest or pleasure in things that were once enjoyed. A person showing this symptom will show markedly reduced interest or delight in all, or almost all, daily activities. This can include favourite hobbies or sports or even sex.

Changes in Appetite

Significant changes in weight while not trying to gain or lose. In children, this may also present as a failure to make expected weight gains.

The persistent depressive disorder may incorporate a poor appetite or overeating but there may not be the same marked change in weight.

Sleep Disturbances

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A man with sleeping issue

Sleep disturbances including difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, feeling sleepy despite a full night’s rest, or daytime sleepiness can indicate depression

Psychomotor Agitation or Retardation

Agitation, restlessness, or lethargy that affects a person’s daily routine, behaviour or appearance is a symptom of Depression. ​These signs can be obvious in body movements, speech, and reaction time and must be observable by others


A loss of energy and chronic feelings of fatigue can be symptoms of both persistent depressive disorder and major depressive disorder. Feeling tired most of the time can interfere with an individual’s ability to function normally.

Feelings of Worthlessness or Guilt

Excessive, inappropriate guilt and feelings of uselessness are common signs of major depressive disorder. The feelings of guilt may be so severe that the individual becomes delusional.


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