Home Fitness Ripped Figure in Just 5 Days: Super Toning Workout Schedule

Ripped Figure in Just 5 Days: Super Toning Workout Schedule

5 day workout

If you are troubled with workout patterns and the frequency of training each body part then you are on the top place because here we will explain to you a 6-day gym workout schedule with various patterns and plan including exercises which suits your body well according to your progress.

Day 1: Chest and Tricep Workouts

Couple doing reverse triceps exercises Free Photo

There are a lot of workouts you can do on chest day. These activities are the most beneficial mass building exercises. For the right 6 Day Gym Workout Schedule, these workouts have been identified as effective. Before you do any of these chest workouts and Tricep Workouts you must be conscious of things you should avoid.

Day 2: Shoulder Workout

Sporty woman working out with weights. rear view Free Photo

Here are the best shoulder exercises, that you need do to build your upper body. There could be different exercises based on strength, reps, intensity, etc. In order to obtain mass, you must follow the proper exercise schedule, diet plan, etc. and should adhere to it. Before doing any of these exercises, make sure you are aware of the information you should avoid while doing exercise.

Day 3: Abs and Cardio Workout

Athletes training in a gym Premium Photo

Everyone wants abs but hardly people go for it. Everyone has six-packs beneath those fleshy mass. You have to work hard to burn your belly fat and get a six-pack.

Cardio Exercise

You can do the cardio exercise with various exercises. For mass gain, you must do cardio in the end for 20 minutes.

Day 4: Back and Biceps Workout

Thrust in block simulator. biceps extension. athletic woman workout in gym. Premium Photo

One of the most important workouts while considering a 6-day gym workout schedule. The study says, people often work hard for what they can see easily.

While you are planning for a 6-day gym workout schedule, you should work on your back along with biceps. The most beautiful and impactful muscle of the body, bicep.

Having a larger bicep is still a dream of all. We work hard for it. Do excess of bicep exercises. But that’s not the answer.

Day 5: Leg Workouts
Crop legs walking upstairs
One of the most difficult and most skipped workout. Everyone wants a good physique, but nobody wants to work for strong legs. We have people with a great upper body and but with chicken legs. That’s the reason why we should never skip legs day. So here is the best 6-day split workout schedule, and day 5 of every week is dedicated to legs. Few precautions to be taken before you start with leg workouts. Below are the things that you should avoid while doing legs workout.

Day 6 and Day 7 Will Be of Rest

Follow this workout plan to build strength and tissues. One of the best 6 days split workout routine for mass gain. Be regular and loyal to see results. Always consult with your personal trainer or physician before following any workout plan. workout plans are designed to gain weight and are ideal for all. In some cases, you might need to change any of the workout routine as per your physique and health



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