Lactose intolerance is when you love milk but it doesn’t love you back. Lactose is the major sugar or carbohydrate present in dairy products. It’s a natural source of energy, but it must be digested by a specific enzyme called lactase. Lactose intolerance is caused by a lack of an enzyme (lactase) in your small intestine that allows milk sugar to be digested (lactose). ALSO READ : JOINT PAIN AND ITS CAUSES.

Lactase converts milk sugar into glucose and galactose, which are taken into the circulation via the gut mucosa. Lactose in your diet goes into the colon instead of being digested and absorbed if you’re lactase deficient. Lactose intolerance is caused by normal bacteria interacting with undigested lactose in the colon, resulting in signs and symptoms.

Most newborns and youngsters produce enough lactase to safely consume dairy products. That’s a good thing, because dairy provides a wonderful source of calcium and protein for developing children. Many individuals, however, lose their capacity to make lactase, resulting in lactose intolerance. It’s also possible to become lactose-intolerant for a short period of time following a gastrointestinal ailment.


Lactose intolerance signs and symptoms commonly appear 30 minutes to two hours after eating or drinking lactose-containing meals. The following are some of the most common indications and symptoms:

  • Diarrhoea
  • Nausea and, on rare occasions, vomiting
  • Constipation
  • Bloating
  • Gas

Lactase deficiency is a condition in which the enzyme lactase lacks

Lactose isn’t digested if there isn’t enough lactase in the small intestine, which might cause bloating and gas from bacteria in the large intestine breaking down the lactose. Within 30 minutes to two hours after consuming a lactose-containing item, some persons develop gastrointestinal discomfort, nausea, diarrhoea, or even vomiting.

Lactose intolerance treatment options

Calcium may be found in dairy products or dairy replacements, which are a practical, varied, and tasty source of calcium. To achieve the body’s calcium requirements, three servings per day are advised.

Here are several ways to acquire adequate calcium while controlling lactose intolerance symptoms:

  • Only eat a minimal amount of lactose-containing foods. On an empty stomach, avoid eating or drinking these things.
  • Yoghourt, ricotta cheese, cream cheese, and matured cheeses like Swiss, cheddar, and Parmesan are among the dairy products that are naturally lower in lactose and better digested. Another alternative is kefir, a fermented milk drink that includes healthy bacteria.
  • Lactose-reduced, lactose-free, or ultra filtered cow’s milk are all good options. Lactose-reduced cow’s milk is widely available and, because the lactose has been broken down into smaller carbohydrates, it may taste slightly sweeter than regular cow’s milk. Lactose-free milk has the same nutritional value as ordinary milk, with 8 grams of protein, 25% of daily calcium, and 90% of daily vitamin D.
  • Make the switch to non-dairy “milk.” The majority of these items are calcium enriched. They do, however, have less protein than cow’s milk. With 6–8 g of protein per cup, soy milk comes closest. Almonds, rice, cashew, coconut, oat, and hemp milks, for example, include 0–3 grams of protein per cup. Protein is added to several alternative milks. To eliminate extra sugar, go for unsweetened varieties.


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