Semen contains sperm and the fluids that keep them alive; anything that affects them might damage male fertility. Learn about 7 easy strategies to increase male fertility and sperm count from specialists. ALSO READ : SAFE SEX PRACTICES AND SEXUAL HEALTH

Low sperm count is the most typical finding in infertile males, and lacking fructose in the semen, as well as congestion in the ejaculation pathway, contribute to this. Falling sperm counts have been a source of concern for over a century, and they can affect your partner’s chances of becoming pregnant as well as the health of their offspring. To conceive, a man must have a good erection and normal ejaculation, a good sperm count, and healthy sperm to reach and penetrate the egg. READ : TIPS FOR MENTAL HEALTH AND WELL BEING OF MEN .

Most infertile males have a low sperm count due to defective production, poor seminal fluid quality, or obstruction in the ejaculation pathway, low production due to stress, nutritional deficiency, underlying health issues such as diabetes, thyroid disease, obesity, advanced heart disease, cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation, a bad lifestyle, mental stress, tobacco and alcohol consumption, or working in a hot humid environment at work such as a factory, or low production due to stress, nutritional defic Male fertility decreases as he gets older. ALSO READ : BOOST YOUR IMMUNITY THROUGH THESE SUPERFOODS

Male fertility is not affected by age in the same way that female fertility is. As you get older, your sperm count and quality decline. Semen contains sperm and the fluids that keep them alive; anything that affects them might damage men’s fertility.

Older men are more likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction and other health issues, which might have an influence on their fertility. As a result, carefully caring for one’s health and well-being – both mental and physical – might help increase fertility.

Tips for increasing male fertility and sperm count include:

1. See your doctor on a regular basis — Have your health checked on a regular basis to discover any underlying diseases. Visiting a doctor on a regular basis is an important element of knowing one’s reproductive health. This is a prophylactic step that can assist maintain track of one’s health and identify any issues that could lead to infertility later on.

2. Maintain excellent genital hygiene – It is essential to maintain good genital hygiene in order to avoid infection.

3. Avoid sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) by being tested, getting vaccinated against HPV, practising safe sex, and avoiding numerous partners. Male infertility can be caused by STIs such chlamydia and gonorrhoea. These may be avoided by taking appropriate precautions, such as limiting the number of sexual partners, using protection during intercourse, getting frequent STI/Ds testing, and even getting the needed immunisation.

4. Stop abusing substances, smoking, and consuming alcohol – Stop consuming alcohol and cigarettes. While occasional alcohol use is OK, excessive drinking can reduce sperm production by lowering levels of male hormones such as testosterone, follicle stimulating hormone, and leuteinising hormone. Smoking (including passive smoking) can also cause sperm motility to diminish, as well as harm to their structure and DNA. As a result, giving up these behaviours can assist increase fertility. Illicit drug usage has been shown to reduce sperm count.

5. Begin a healthy lifestyle – Eat healthily, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly to stay in shape. A healthy lifestyle might involve eating a balanced diet and staying under BMI guidelines. Physical activity is also suggested on a regular basis.Healthy sperm are produced by a healthy body. A sick body generates no sperm or sperm that is harmful. A healthy weight can boost sperm volume, concentration, and motility, as well as contribute to overall sperm health. Eating a well-balanced diet rich in antioxidants contributes to a healthy lifestyle and sperm quality. Regular exercise, physical activity, and a healthy lifestyle can all help to increase sperm count.

6. Workplace corrections – People in metropolitan areas are exposed to increased screen time on their computers, especially now that they may work from home. The temperature of the scrotum can be raised by heated computer systems in the pelvic area, resulting in a reduced sperm count. Tables, on the other hand, must be used for work. Other high-temperature working circumstances should be avoided as a result. If you have a reproductive problem and your job involves high-temperature zones such as furnaces and boilers, attempt to adjust or shift your employment or seek professional treatment. Reduce your exposure to potentially harmful substances. Metals, solvents, pesticides, and non-water based paints can all reduce sperm count, so take precautions to prevent direct contact.

7. Keeping your mental health in check – At work and at home, de-stress. Stress has been shown to boost the synthesis of hormones such glucocorticoids, which can cause testosterone and sperm production to drop. To maintain a normal sperm count, men must prioritise their mental and emotional wellbeing. Stress may be harmful to your health.


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