The menstrual cycle is a normal process that occurs in almost all women during childbirth from puberty to menopause. Still, there are still many inaccurate ideas about menstruation. Probably because many women (and men) are uncomfortable talking about menstruation. Answer this quiz to see if you can find out from fiction about menstruation. 

Social and cultural norms create bizarre tendencies.

 These perceptions  extend to the female menstrual cycle. These menstrual myths contribute to sexism and general equality.  When our mother told this story, we interpreted it as a story of the courage of one woman to share the sadness of another. It reflects that selfless behavior brings blessings. However, the stigma associated with menstruation has made society  think  the opposite. The woman’s judgment that “she is too emotional” has been challenged. A woman’s justified anger is interpreted as a hormonal story- “it must be this time of the month.” Many girls in India drop out of school when they start menstruating because the school does not have a gender-friendly infrastructure. The lack of gender-friendly education leads to an inadequate understanding of adolescence, menstruation and reproductive health. The social and emotional structure of female well-being deteriorates. It’s time to set the myths regarding menstrual cycle correctly.

Myth 1: Menstrual pain is just like a headache.

Dysmenorrhea is a  condition called dysmenorrhea. In about 20% of women, dysmenorrhea  is so severe that it interferes with daily activities. Even in the other 80% of cases, this is not  a “simple headache.” This affects our ability to concentrate and makes us more anxious. So if you want to take a day off, crouch in bed and rest until the cramps subside, listen to your body!

Myth 2: Only women have a menstrual cycle.

Not all women have periods. Not all menstruating women identify themselves as “females.” Gender dichotomy is a social construct currently adhered to by a smaller number of people. Trans men may have periods, but trans women may not. Typical men also have menstrual cycles (hormonal cycles, not blood loss). This is a people-centered question.

Myth 3: A menstruating woman is impure.

The so-called guardians and interpreters of our religion and religious documents forbade women from entering religious institutions. Women who menstruate are said to be unclean. Over the years, care has become a curse and turned into a stigma and taboo. The real reason  our scriptures claim so is that a woman’s womb is sacred to the gods because it gives birth to new life. It is also the reason why women do panchang namaskar in front of the gods, unlike  men who do sashtang namaskar.

 In continuation of this debate over infidelity, women are instructed to lead isolated lives and not enter the kitchen. Otherwise, the food will spoil. In some cultures, menstruating women are not allowed to hold their newborn baby in their arms. Otherwise, you can pass on the disease. All these norms were created by the ancients  to allow women to rest as much as possible during the seven-day period of bleeding. They also require access to sanitary infrastructure  to avoid infections, which were rare in ancient times.  To all menstruating friends reading this – make your own rules. He enjoys drinking chamomile tea while reading a book or eating truffle cake while watching a romantic comedy. Do what makes you happy!


It is very unlikely that you will become pregnant during menstruation, but it is still possible. If you get pregnant  during menstruation, it  means that your menstrual cycle is very short or  that ovulation is closely related to the onset of menstruation. The egg remains in the fallopian tube  for about 24 hours for fertilization, so if sperm is present during this time (be aware that sperm can live for three to four days), you can become pregnant.


Despite the fact that women have a reputation for using them to justify their rough behavior or cravings for chocolate during menstruation, PMS, or premenstrual syndrome, is a real syndrome. It is characterized by a variety of symptoms that usually begin 1 to 2 weeks before the onset of menstruation and usually disappear when menstruation begins. According to experts at the Mayo Clinic, about 3 in 4 menstruating women experience physical and/or emotional PMS symptoms. PMS symptoms typically include breast tenderness, acne, bloating or weight gain, headaches, joint pain, fatigue, food cravings, mood swings, depression, anxiety,  and irritability. Many women and girls relieve PMS through lifestyle changes, medications, vitamin or herbal supplements.


Most menses last 3 to 5 days, but as short as 2 to as long as 7 days without worrying about irregular menstruation. However, if  your period lasts only one day or lasts longer than a week,  it could be a sign of a problem and you should talk to your doctor. The average menstrual cycle is 28 days, but women are 21 to 35 days and teenage girls are 21 to 45 days. Women who use birth control often have short periods and sometimes no periods at all.


There is no reason to refrain from exercising or exercising regularly during your period unless you have severe cramps (dysmenorrhea) or excessive blood flow (menorrhagia) that interfere with your  physical activity. Menstruation is a normal function of the body. It is not disabled. In fact, many health experts recommend exercise to reduce cramps during menstruation as aerobic activities such as walking, jogging, cycling, dancing, and swimming produce chemicals that help block pain.



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