Alcohol -Pros and Cons


For many persons, moderate alcohol use appears to pose a modest health risk. However, because much of what health care practitioners know about the impacts comes from observational studies, it remains a difficult lifestyle component to investigate. There have been no long-term randomised studies of alcohol intake to date. Multiple lifestyle characteristics are also linked to patterns of alcohol consumption, which can skew research results. Many of the health advantages and risks connected with alcohol drinking may be unrelated to the consumption of . Experts disagree on a safe or suggested quantityto ingest because of these considerations. Also checkout our latest blog on Post menopause bleeding here.

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020–2025 describe moderate drinking as:


No more than one drink per day, no more than three drinks per day, and no more than seven drinks each week


No more than two drinks per day, no more than four drinks per day, and no more than 14 drinks each week.

The following is a common definition of a standard drink:

  1. 12 fluid ounces of beer (355 milliliters)
  2. 5 fluid ounces of wine (148 milliliters)
  3. 1.5 fluid ounces distilled spirits (80 proof) (44 milliliters)

These suggestions are for those who are of legal drinking age. Many studies have found that youngsters under the age of 21 who use face considerable hazards. As a result, no alcohol at all is suggested for this age range.

Females have lower recommendations for safe consumption due to their smaller body size, lower muscle mass, and lower levels of alcohol dehydrogenase, the enzyme that breaks down alcohol. It should be avoided by people with certain medical problems or who take specific medications, as no amount can be confidently considered as safe.

Moderate consumption has both advantages and disadvantages:


  1. Moderate drinkers had lower death rates than abstainers or heavy drinkers, according to certain studies.
  1. According to studies, persons who consume moderate amounts have a decreased chance of developing diabetes.
  1. Mild to moderate alcohol use has been linked to a lower risk of dementia or cognitive deterioration over time in several studies. Moderate use can lower the risk of gallstones. Mild to moderate use has been shown to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and cardiovascular death.

Risks to be aware of:

  1. The use has been linked to an increased risk of malignancies such as breast, gastrointestinal, and head and neck cancers.
  1. Hepatitis can be exacerbated by excessive alcohol consumption.
  1. Acute and chronic pancreatitis are linked to heavy use.
  1. Alcohol use has been linked to an increased incidence of gout flare in gout sufferers.
  1. Alcohol use increases the risk of trauma-related morbidity and death. Blood alcohol concentrations as low as 0.02 percent can impair driving abilities. The legal blood alcohol concentration limit is 0.08 percent.

According to several studies, wine gives the best protection against cardiovascular disease, probably owing to flavonoids, which are naturally occurring chemicals. Other research, on the other hand, suggest that all alcoholic drinks are cardioprotective. It’s unclear if the type of beverage matters for other disorders, however most data shows it doesn’t.

People who do not drink should not begin to do so just for the sake of gaining health advantages. Those who do decide to consume alcohol should do so in moderation. Consult your doctor to learn about your individual dangers and advantages when it comes to alcohol use.


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