7 Advantages of Meditation for Your Mind, Body and Soul


There are various ways that meditation helps your mind, body, and spirit, but there’s also one very surprising effect of meditation that will change your life. Meditation appears like a pretty easy practise (it’s kind of like doing nothing). But its benefits are so broad and deep that I’d venture to say meditation will transform your whole life. This ancient method helps you physically, mentally, emotionally, actively, and spiritually, and all of those layers blend and adapt to create the wondrous human being that you are. Meditation works on the entire person. Some would even say that meditation is the cure for all ailments. Meditation helps you get in touch with yourself on a heartfelt level so that you can detect shortcomings in your well-being right away. This is wonderful for disease prevention and health maintenance.

Meditation soothes your nervous system

Meditation soothes your nervous system

By stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system (a.k.a. the rest & digest response), meditation soothes the body and relaxes the nerves. This has wondrous benefits for the physical body, including- lowered heart rate, reduced blood pressure, decreased stress hormones (like adrenaline and cortisol), reduced respiratory rate, developed digestion, increased immunity, and increased lifespan. The parasympathetic nervous system supports your body and all its organs operate at their best, keeping you healthy and energized.

Meditation helps you lose weight

Meditation helps you lose weight

Meditation gets your mind and body deeply connected so they can communicate effectively. In essence, your brain becomes more in harmony with your body and its needs. One of the biggest causes of weight gain is mindless eating. Through meditation, you can practice mindFUL eating where you learn to honor the body’s appetite and prevent yourself from over-eating. The more in touch your mind grows with your body, the more relaxed it is to stay healthy, eat right, and helps to lose weight.

Meditation helps you sleep

Meditation helps you sleep

Meditation calms down the nervous system so your body can relax and fall asleep at night. In addition to relaxing your body for sleep, meditation also helps you deal with the racing mind that keeps you up at midnight with worries and anxieties. Meditation helps you prepare your mind to let ideas go and find more tranquillity and serenity. That way, you can get a good night’s sleep.

Meditation makes you a Happy, more peaceful

There’s a purpose why Buddha statues and figurines are always smiling meditation makes you satisfied! By assisting you to process your ideas, meditation gives you tools to release tension and negativity. Meditation brings things into view by giving you time and space to look at the bigger picture and let stuff go. When you understand how to pull back from your stressful life, free your mind, and calm your emotions, you are a lighter and more peaceful person.

Meditation makes you more productive

Meditation makes you more productive

If you’re somebody who fights with ADD and can never sit quiet, meditation is the most powerful natural remedy to get you focused and prolific. Meditation encourages you to stay in the present moment so that you can overlook distractions. This drives to greater productivity, focus, awareness, clarity, and better decision making. What this tells you is that there’s lots of time to accomplish duties when you’re able to slow down and stay present. Meditation assists us to achieve this super-focused, fruitful state of mind where time appears to slow down.

Meditation makes you more inspired + creative!

Meditation makes you more inspired + creative!

This is where some of the more religious benefits of meditation come into play. There’s always a well of wisdom, supervision, and inspiration within us, but we’re usually too preoccupied with thoughts and worries to notice it. By soothing and clearing the mind, meditation taps us into a more profound sense of well-being, hope, love, and inspiration that is inherent in all of us. Meditation also helps us clear out our mental chatter so we can be spontaneous and creative at the moment. A lot of occasions when you’re mentally seeking for a solution, you get stuck and can’t seem to find it. But when you relax and let it go, the solution will often effortlessly flow to you. Meditation gives us this comfortable and open state where we can be more productive and open to exciting possibilities.


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