10 Yoga Poses Everyone Should Do


Bridge – Bandha Sarvangasana

Bandha Sarvangasana

The Bridge yoga pose is a great front hip joints opener, it also strengthens your spine, unfolds the chest, and develops your spinal adaptability in addition to stimulating your thyroid. This pose delivers many benefits to your body, such as the easing from tension, anxiety, insomnia and it can assist with depression.

Downward Dog – Adho Mukha Svanasana

Adho Mukha Svanasana

The Downward Dog yoga pose stretches and decompresses the spine, stretches the hamstrings, extends your arms, flushes your mind with fresh oxygen and soothes your mind.

Child Pose – Balasana

Child Pose – Balasana

The Child Pose is a relaxing pose useful to relieve neck, back and hip strain. While in the posture you should have slow are regulated breath; extended arms; resting hips and your forehead should be touching the mat. You can always revert to this pose as at it is one of the common restorative and calming poses

Easy Pose – Sukhasana

Easy Pose – Sukhasana

The Easy Pose may seem like an easy pose but it has many benefits for the body. For example, it is a hip opener, it is calming, and it eases the menstrual pain for women in addition to lowering the level of anxiety. (while doing the posture make sure your spine is straightened)

Warrior 1 – Virabhadrasana I

Warrior 1 – Virabhadrasana I

The Warrior I is a great pose for those of you who have had a frenetic day at work and just want to relax your body and mind. While in this stance you are strengthening your legs, you are opening your chest and shoulders, movements which we normally don’t do during our day, but they are essential for a good posture and peaceful mind. The effects out of this stance are enormous: it stimulates the muscles of your knees and feet, it expands your shoulders and spine, and it enhances your focus.

Warrior 2 – Virabhadrasana II


The Warrior II yoga pose also stimulates your legs and arms, opens your chest and shoulders, and it contracts your abdominal organs. Your breath needs to be directed, your focus should be on the expansion of your arms which will assist you to improve your patience. Keep your self elevated rather than collapsing with your hips – don’t allow gravity to pull you downward. Stay stable.

Triangle – Trikonasana


The Triangle is one of those positions that delivers to your body many benefits. For instance, it enhances the extensibility of your spine; it assists with the alignment of your shoulders; it relieves back pain and stiffness in the neck area, but don’t overlook you need to practice each pose on the left and right site – balancing your postures is very essential. With the training of this posture you will notice several improvements, but especially for your posture.

Four-Limbed Staff – Chaturanga

Four-Limbed Staff – Chaturanga

The Four-Limbed Staff yoga pose stimulates your arms, wrists and abdomen. It is also a useful building pose for more challenging arm balancing poses

Chair – Utkatasana

Chair – Utkatasana

The Chair yoga posture tones your leg muscles strengthen your hip reflexes, ankles joints, calves and back. It stretches the chest and shoulders. It lessens symptoms of flat feet and it stimulates your heart, diaphragm, and abdominal organs.

Tree – Vrksasana

Tree – Vrksasana

The Tree yoga pose may seem like another easy posture but it is not a resting asana. Your back should be aligned property (extended), your hips should be at one level, and since your stability depends on the distribution of your weight on your standing leg ensure you do while maintaining and improving your balance.


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