10 Realistic Ways to Eat Less Processed Food


Any food that has been canned, cooked, frozen, pasteurized, or packed is considered processed food.

Many processed foods, such as canned vegetables, frozen fruits, and pasteurized dairy products can be eaten in moderation as part of a healthy diet. On the other hand, some highly processed foods are high in salt, sugar, additives, and preservatives, all of which are harmful to your health.

One of the most effective strategies to improve your health and increase the quality of your diet is to reduce your intake of these highly processed foods.

When individuals ask me for dietary advice, one of the first things I offer is reducing processed foods.

Here are ten easy, long-term, and doable techniques to help you eat less processed food.-:

1. Keep healthy snacks on hand

Always have healthful snacks on hand. It’s tempting to grab a pre-packaged snack on your way out the door if you’re short on time.

Keeping your kitchen stocked with a variety of portable, nutritious snacks, on the other hand, can make making healthy choices on the move much more accessible.

Fresh fruit, mixed nuts, edamame, and veggies with hummus are some of my favourite healthy snacks.

2. Swap refined grains for whole grains

Starting to substitute healthier whole foods for processed meals is one of the most straightforward strategies to lower your intake of processed foods.

You can substitute whole-grain alternatives for refined grains like white pasta, rice, bread, and tortillas, like brown rice and whole-grain pasta, bread, and tortillas.

Whole grains have been demonstrated to protect against heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer and be higher in vital nutrients like fibre.

3. Get creative in the kitchen.

Recreate your favourite processed foods in your kitchen for a healthier twist if you’re feeling bold. This gives you complete control over what goes on your plate, as well as the opportunity to experiment with new items.

To make vegetable chips, for example, toss potato, zucchini, turnip, or carrot slices with a little olive oil and salt before baking until crispy.

Chia pudding, air-popped popcorn, granola bars, and fruit leather are some other healthy alternatives to processed foods that you may make at home.

4. Drink more water

Soda, sweet tea, fruit juice, and sports drinks are heavy in sugar and calories but deficient in critical nutrients.

Gradually substituting water for these drinks throughout the day is a terrific approach to reducing your processed food intake and increasing your diet quality.

If plain water isn’t your thing, sparkling or flavoured water are fantastic alternatives. Alternatively, for an extra blast of flavour, consider infusing water with fresh fruit or herbs.

5. Try meal prepping

When you prepare meals in large amounts once or twice a week, you’ll always have healthful meals on hand, even if you’re too busy to cook.

When you’re short on time, it can also make it less enticing to stop at a drive-through on your way home or rely on frozen convenience dinners.

To get started, choose a few recipes to make each week and schedule your meal preparation time.

6. Eat more vegetables

Include at least one serving of veggies in your home-cooked meals to increase your consumption of healthful, unprocessed foods.

Adding spinach to scrambled eggs, sautéing broccoli for a simple side dish, or putting carrots or cauliflower into soups or casseroles are all examples of this.

Vegetables are nutrient-dense and high in fibre, which keeps you feeling full between meals, reducing your appetite and curbing cravings.

7. Switch up your shopping routine

When you don’t have any processed foods on hand, limiting your intake is much easier.

Fill your grocery cart with healthy, less processed foods like fruits, veggies, whole grains, and legumes the next time you go shopping.

You can also try sticking to the store’s perimeter and avoiding the central aisles, which are often filled with processed snacks and junk items.

When you’re out shopping, make sure to read the labels on your favourite foods. Avoid foods high in salt, trans fat, or added sugar as much as possible.

8. Try some simple food swaps.

There are numerous healthful alternatives to many processed foods. Here are some of my personal favourites:

  • Substitute a bowl of oatmeal with fresh fruit for your sweet breakfast cereal.
  • Instead of using the microwave, pop your popcorn on the stove.
  • Instead of using store-bought dressings, toss salads with a homemade vinaigrette made with olive oil and vinegar.
  • To make a nutritious alternative to store-bought trail mix, combine nuts, seeds, and dried fruit.
  • Instead of croutons, add nuts or seeds to your salads.

9. Eat less processed meat.

Processed meats such as bacon, sausage, lunch meat, and hot dogs have been linked to several health problems. The International Agency for Research on Cancer has even classed them as carcinogenic.

You’ll be relieved to learn that reducing processed meat consumption is simple.

For starters, you can substitute less processed meats like fresh chicken, fish, or turkey for these dishes. Other sandwich contents, such as tuna salad, chicken breast, or hard-boiled eggs, can be substituted for packaged lunch meats.

10. Make changes slowly

There’s no need to eliminate processed foods from your diet.

In the long run, it is generally more effective and durable to make gradual improvements. According to some studies, minor lifestyle modifications can help people create long-lasting habits and make challenging tasks easier over time.

The bottom line

There’s no need to eliminate processed foods from your diet.

In the long run, it is generally more effective and durable to make gradual improvements. According to some studies, minor lifestyle modifications can help people create long-lasting habits and make challenging tasks easier over time.

Experiment with one or two of the tactics suggested above each week, then gradually add more.

Keep in mind that, as part of a healthy, balanced diet, you can still enjoy dining out or eating processed foods in moderation.

Also Read Our Blog- 5 Rules of Healthy Eating


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